Join The PowerHouse Woman Collective

My signature PowerHouse Woman coaching program is a mixture of your individuality and self-discovery supported by like-minded women to strengthen your journey. As the group lead, I maintain the vibe and inspire growth by providing tools to facilitate and reinforce strategies.

Connect with a group of like-minded women who want to be empowered and verified as unapologetic & fierce in their truth. Just like you, she’s struggling with her self-worth, setting boundaries and feeling confident. Join this supportive community to tap into your strengths, and feel more capable about your power as a woman!

Finding Strength In Your Reflection Is Hard

When owning your power, you take a hard look at those intimate areas that need “accommodations.” Embracing those supports moves you closer to the woman you know exists. 

Feelings of defeat and self-doubt 

Can you relate to these?

Constantly comparing yourself to other women

Feeling that you're not where you should be by now

 I’m Dr. Carleah East, your Empowerment Coach. It took a long time for me to clearly understand that my voice really did have power and there was a space for it to be heard. I didn't need to clean it up, dial it down or make it more pleasing for others. I've been called loud, aggressive, intimidating — even Manish! And I allowed those terms to define me, to carve out just how far my arms could reach. But during my own self-discovery, I realized my complaints were opportunities for plans. And those plans extended the reach of my power.

I’ve Been There, Too.

The woman I vibe with learns her tears don't compromise her strengths. She stops allowing others to define her and creates her own definition. She steps into every room, whether it be the kitchen or the boardroom, with a fierce confidence that blinds all negativity and doubt. She freely accepts compliments, demands acknowledgement and rests well with her newfound PEACE of MIND.

Wasting your time on tasks, your energy on unfulfilled projects and losing your voice trying to appeal to the crowd.

“She helped me to instead of becoming the victim, becoming the mentor. Her presence in my life helped to shape me into the amazing therapist I am today. I think of her personal teachings often, and thank God for her in my life and through my journey to help me! Absolutely love her! She brings another meaning to compassion. Compassion that has not only followed me in my life but in my career.”

“Dr. East Helped me to find within me the strength to get through the most challenging time of my life.”

Jeanine b.

Join the PowerHouse Woman Collective NOW

Sometimes life has you going in circles. In managing and balancing self-worth, relationships and career, burnout is real, and the word "Adulting" is a lot more stressful.

If you feel like life is literally caving in on you from all sides, this is the program for you. PowerHouse Woman Collective takes you on a journey of self-growth to discover new tools, set new boundaries and re-ignite your power.

Modules include: 

Power of Self-Worth

  • Define Your Purpose
  • Reframe Your Weaknesses
  • Unlocking Self-awareness
  • Time Outs: Rest & Resetting

Navigating Relationships

  • Filling The Space With You
  • Friendships vs Sisterhoods
  • The Significance Of A Significant Other

Emotional Balance Within Life’s Challenges

  • Career: Securing Your Insecurities
  • Reciprocity In Your Family
  • Parenting: Not Always Kids

Join the PowerHouse Woman Collective

Enroll now and get instant access to resources and program materials.


Define your truth on your terms with clarity and support from like-minded women.

Redefine Resiliency


Recognize the PowerHouse Woman staring back at you with confidence and acceptance.

Live with Unapologetic Authenticity 



6 monthly payments of


pay in full for

Finally, Love The Woman You See In The Mirror.

SLAY in your lane and embrace the fierce and strong PowerHouse Woman you are and have always been.