Redefining Your Resiliency So You Can Embrace Your Authentic Life

Wellness Coaching for Women

Empowerment Coach for Women

Let's change your life from the inside out

Facts!!! it doesn't really matter what year it is — women are still going through things, we're struggling and trying to find balance in our lives, and we need things to make sense for us. That's not always easy. 

Are you tired of just existing and ready to start living?

It’s time to stop cheating on yourself with quick fixes and emotional Band-Aids.

Are you tired of holding on to people or things that aren't holding on to you?

You have a difficult time making yourself the priority without guilt.

Your mental set is stuck in a negative cycle.

You often feel defeated and have even sabotaged your own growth.

Everything you do feels like a struggle, and you are tired of it.

You know you have a voice but lack the confidence to speak out.

Can you relate to the following?

It’s time for a change, isn’t it?

I’m Dr. East, a licensed clinician and empowerment coach who’s worked with powerhouse women just like you who were struggling to connect with their truth and authenticity.

With over 18 years of working with women, I create a bridge from the passion to power mindset. The women I connect with learn how to stop apologizing for their strengths. She acknowledges the pain, but not as a weakness; instead, she embraces its Power. She now has the tools and the fierceness to build her own bridge connecting to HER authentic self.

Does this sound like something you need in your life?

The Empowerment Coach You Didn’t Know You Needed

Meet Dr. Carleah East

Women don't just show up, we show up with power! You deserve to live unapologetically as a PowerHouse Woman!

“Dr. East captivates her audience through her intelligence and genuine passion about mental health and well-being. Her dynamic presence intrigues and influences others to strive for their own greatness, and her professionalism makes for a rewarding partnership!”

“Dr. East is a powerhouse speaker with a very versatile range of knowledge."

Bridget Narvaez, MBA, RN

She help me to instead of becoming the victim, becoming the mentor. Her presence in my life helped to shape me into the amazing therapist I am today. I think of her personal teachings often, and thank God for her in my life and through my journey to help me! Absolutely love her! she brings another meaning to compassion. Compassion that has not only followed me in my life but in my career.

Dr. East helped me to find within me the strength to get through the most challenging time of my life."

Jeanine b.

"It might have felt easy in my comfort zone, but I needed new habits to step outside of that zone. When I did, I was full of self-love, victory, and power might I add!"

"Dr. East challenged me to break old habits that were not beneficial to me!"

Michelle r.

what they're saying...

join the membership

PowerHouse Woman Collective is an entire movement to empower and strengthen women. It's a mixture of your individuality and self-discovery supported by like-minded women to enhance your journey. As the group lead, I maintain the vibe and inspire growth by providing tools and strategies that tap into your pain points and facilitate a plan of power.

 Connect and Vibe with Me

1:1 Coaching provides the greatest level of support, accountability and transformation.

We will take a deep dive, peel away the layers and release what has been holding you back from your greatest achievements.

Connect and Vibe with Me

Need help getting unstuck? HER Time Email Coaching is an affordable option to receive support on the go. After completion of your initial discovery call, you will have the opportunity to reach out for weekly support, insight and tools.

three ways we can VIBE TOGETHER

HER Time

HER Individuality 

PowerHouse Woman Collective

You Are Already awesome


Sel-fish is Selfcare

Determine Your Stress Level

must-listen-to from

ep. 05

ep. 09

ep. 15

Dr. East Speaks provides all PowerHouse and Badass Women with tools for redefining resiliency, embracing individuality and unapologetic authenticity! Selfish is the new Selfcare!

About The Podcast